4 Apr, 2024

Online Courses for Middle School Students to Support Development


Are you looking into online courses for middle school students? More and more families are considering the benefits of online schooling in the year of 2024 as programs become more and more developed. These programs have a number of offerings to look in to, particularly if you're considering them for supporting a student's development. It's [...]

Online Courses for Middle School Students to Support Development2024-04-04T12:42:21-05:00
2 Apr, 2024

The Best Online High Schools Cater to Unique Learning Styles


With the rise of online high schools, students now have access to flexible and personalized learning options that cater to their individual needs. Online education offers a unique advantage in its ability to accommodate a wide range of learning styles, ensuring that each student can thrive in their own way. This article delves into how [...]

The Best Online High Schools Cater to Unique Learning Styles2024-03-25T14:10:06-05:00
27 Feb, 2024

Discover Houston Online School Programs for Your Child


When considering a Houston online school program, you may have difficulty finding the right program for you. There are many options to consider, but how do you know which one is going to be the best fit for your student? Is there a Houston online school that can accommodate your student? Well, here at Tenney [...]

Discover Houston Online School Programs for Your Child2024-02-26T11:52:09-06:00
20 Feb, 2024

Online Schooling Vs Homeschooling: Which is Right For You?


When discussing the differences of online schooling vs homeschooling, there's a lot to consider. Whether you're considering one or the other for middle or high school, each of the benefits we go over should be looked at carefully. It's also important to note that many parents opt to do a hybrid between the two. This [...]

Online Schooling Vs Homeschooling: Which is Right For You?2024-02-15T13:04:26-06:00
6 Feb, 2024

Online Private School – Pros and Cons


Online private school has a number of benefits as well as drawbacks associated with it. While in person private schools are generally considered to have a better educational curriculum than public schools, is this true for online private schools? What is an Online Private School? Online private schools are a great way to get the [...]

Online Private School – Pros and Cons2024-02-05T14:24:38-06:00
22 Jan, 2024

Why Online Learning Works


The transition from classroom learning to online learning can be a difficult one. Sometimes both students and teachers are facing a lot of uncertainty. They are unsure how this new method of doing things will work. However, at Tenney School Live, we have found that online learning is both possible and beneficial! We are able [...]

Why Online Learning Works2024-01-17T10:16:04-06:00
15 Jan, 2024

Is Your Child Enrolled in the Right School?


Choosing the right school for your student is one of the hardest decisions. There are so many factors to consider, but how do you know if your child is enrolled at the right school? Having a list of signs to look for is important when trying to figure out if a change is needed for [...]

Is Your Child Enrolled in the Right School?2024-01-18T10:07:16-06:00
18 Dec, 2023

The Best Online Homeschooling Options!


When researching homeschool options, it may seem overwhelming with the amount of resources available. Many parents do not have the time or resources to do all of the teaching themselves. That's where online homeschooling options come in. With it, parents are able to incorporate a lesson curriculum that doesn't require to much time or attention [...]

The Best Online Homeschooling Options!2023-12-05T13:59:38-06:00
11 Dec, 2023

Virtual Classroom Vs. In Person | Which is Best?


In a post COVID world, students and parents alike have more access to types of classrooms. The two main categories are a virtual classroom and a in person classroom. While in person classrooms are the more "traditional" choice, I'm going to compare virtual classrooms and how they stack up against the in person alternatives! One [...]

Virtual Classroom Vs. In Person | Which is Best?2024-02-26T09:50:43-06:00
24 Nov, 2023

Online Private High Schools | 6 Reasons Why It’s Worth it!


While we've all heard of private high schools, a new kid on the block in the form of "online private high schools" are now rising in popularity. Let's discuss 6 reasons why it's worth it over in-person schools! 1. Freedom in Flexibility The most obvious benefit of online private high schools is the freedom in [...]

Online Private High Schools | 6 Reasons Why It’s Worth it!2023-11-09T15:35:08-06:00
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